On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Model of the "Planet" Locomotive

1830 (original); 1967 (model)

Replica of Daguerre-Giroux camera

1839 (original); circa 1988 (replica)

Freud electronic laughing ball


Gold amulet in the form of a cobra

2000-100 BCE

Mobile cellular telephone (Motorola 'Flip Phone') model no. F09SQD8955AB


Neolithic flint scraper

4000-2001 BCE

Model of Gutenberg's Press, 1430


Copy of clay liver used for divination, original from Babylon, 2050-1750 BCE

2050-1750 BCE

Novelty model

1955; 1830

Model of the Asklepion at Epidaurus, Greece, 1936


Mousetrap Camera


Model of Henry Cavendish's Torsion Balance Gravitational Apparatus, 1798

1798 (original); 1977 (model)

Reynaud's Praxinoscope Theatre

1879 (1956)

Mummy of a peregrine falcon, Egypt, 2000-1001 BCE

2000-1001 BCE

Model of Mud House


Replica Bavarian reckoning cloth, German, 16th century.

1501-1600; 1972

Model of submersible 'Turtle'

1976; 1776

Model of an Egyptian boat in XII Dynasty Tomb

1991-1783 BCE

Ancient Egyptian flint saw, replica

circa 3000 BCE

Flint hand tool, side-scraper, made in the Stone Age.

8500-2000 BCE

Model of a Printing Press, 1701-1800

1701-1800; 1982

Copy of model of a sheep's liver. Original Babylonian, c. 2050-1750 BC.

2050-1750 BCE

Oil jar, Egypt, 1580-1350BCE

2000-1350 BCE

Acheulian flint hand axe, c 10000-5000 BC.

10000-5001 BCE

Plano-convex brick, Ubaid, Iraq, c 2500 BC.

2500 BCE

Rigged model of 'Santa Maria'

1920-1923; 1963

Mummified cat, ancient Egypt, 2000-100 BCE

2000-100 BCE

Copy, in silver and gold, of a 10th century Saxon pocket sundial, unsigned, 1939-1950. Original found in the Cloister Garth of Canterbury Cathedral in 1939, with gnomon and chain for suspension. The gnomon is inserted into the hole that corresponds to the appropriate month, then suspended by the chain.

Replica of a 10th Century Saxon Pocket Sundial, 1939-1950

1939-1950 (replica); 901-1000 CE (original)

Model of Ggantija megalithic temple on the Maltese island of Gozo, 3000-2500 BC.

3000-2500 BCE

Mummified bird, Egypt, 2000-100 BCE

2000-100 BCE

Scale Model of Koenig and Bauer Cylinder Printing Press, 1975-1978


Smeaton's Apparatus for Determining the Efficiency of Water Wheels

1988 (model); 1752 (original)

Model Boat from Cyclades, 2800 BC

2800 BCE

Flat-topped Loom Weight, Stone Age

5000-500 BCE

Scottish Bone Comb for Heckling Flax, Neolithic

9000-2700 BCE

Flymo Super Professional 47 rotary air cushion mower

Flymo Super Professional 47 rotary air cushion mower


Flint hand tool, flake type, Stone Age.

8500-2000 BCE

Reversible axe on adze, green stone blade, North Papua (Astrolabe Bay)

2000 BCE

Wooden backstaff or Davis quadrant made by John Gilbert on Tower Hill

1730; 1967

Gold amulet in the form of Duamutef, Egypt, 2000-100 BCE

2000-100 BCE

Amulet showing Anubis

4000-30 BCE

Copy of a bloodletting measuring device, England, 1977

1977; 1204-1206

Flint Handaxe from Egypt, Neolithic

9000-2700 BCE

Stone slab with seven holes for cosmetic ointments, Egypt, 1991-1786 BCE

1991-1786 BCE

Clay replica of a clay model of sheep's liver


Pyramidal Loom Weight, Stone Age

5000-500 BCE

Model of Douglas D.C,-3 aircraft, scale 1:24.

Douglas DC-3 'Dakota', late 1930s.


Earthenware oil jar


Small Stone Age

8500-2000 BCE

Flint hand tool, core-type, Stone Age.

8500-2000 BCE